Refractory Products & Precast Refractory Shapes
Forum : Refractory Materials
TFL is a major distributor for Plibrico Company LLC, a world leader in monolithic refractory technology, based in Chicago, Illinois. Plibrico was established in 1914 by W.A.L Schaeffer, and was first known as the “Pliable Brick Company”. 

In the early part of the last century, refractory-lined vessels were becoming more and more complex in design and geometry, and Mr. Schaeffer saw the need for a “brick lining” that could be taken onto a job site, molded into place to fit the equipment, and then fired on site. His vision of a “pliable brick” led to the development of plastic refractories as we know them today, and became the cornerstone of a worldwide business for Plibrico Company.
Plibrico has led our industry with the development of new technology in refractories. Today Plibrico offers a complete range of monolithic refractories, including castables, plastics, gunning mixes, pumpables, shotcrete materials, and servicing mixes.
Plibrico serves the marketplace with a combination of company-owned offices and independently-owned distributors like TFL. For the last 20 years, TFL has consistently ranked among Plibrico's top three distributors.